Comparing software for board of directors is a crucial step for companies looking for the most effective online tools to support governance. Although it could appear that all board portals are alike at first glance, they have significant differences in quality in customer service, as well as ease of use. This is why it is essential to evaluate and narrow down the tools offered by each provider before making a final choice on which one to buy.

When you’re evaluating a board portal, be sure to be aware of the security features. The best solutions offer a high level of data security that includes multi-factor authentication and SOC-2 compliance. The latter is a great option to prevent unauthorized access, especially from outside the company’s network. Another key feature is the ability to restrict who can access and read director records or files. The most effective software for managing boards includes this feature to limit the potential risks of hacking and other malicious activity.

Finally, a good board of directors software should be user-friendly for all users. This includes board members as well as corporate secretaries and administrative staff. It must be able to function with many different devices and operating systems. Board members will be more receptive to adopting a system if they’re certain that the system is efficient and user-friendly. This can be achieved by selecting a business that has a dedicated help desk and training for its customers.

To evaluate a meeting software vendor, review the feedback of their customers. Try to find testimonies which mention online board meetings for similar industries or company size as yours. Ask your peers about their experiences using the web to gain an understanding of the ease of use and security.