Processes for workflow can be developed to increase team efficiency and streamline the tasks of your team. This requires identifying all processes involved as well as those that are interdependent, and documenting them using diagrams of flow. This step is crucial for avoid common mistakes in workflows, such as delays and bottlenecks.

Start with the Endpoint

Name the outcome you want to achieve with your workflow, such as the achievement of a milestone in your project or a the launch of a new home page. This will help you to identify the activities and information, as well as the technology and people that are required to accomplish your goals. It will also help you determine whether the workflow is effective/successful.

Create and test workflows in a non-production environment before migrating them to your production environment. This will ensure that your business isn’t in danger due to untested or incomplete workflows.

Define actions, condition nodes and wait nodes on a workflow canvas. Actions allow you to create triggers that initiate the process, such as when a record is in compliance with certain requirements. You can add a node which will wait until a certain condition occurs to stop the progression of the record. Condition nodes allow you to examine records based on the properties they are assigned to and direct the progress of an item based on evaluations.

Check all the steps in your workflow, particularly those that involve handoffs. Handoffs between individuals or systems can be a risky point that could result in issues with communication or technical issues. These are typically the main causes of bottlenecks and delays in a workflow. A clear record of your processes helps to avoid these mistakes.